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Buster Boogie; Doggie Delectables
Hello and welcome to Ask the Professors! We can answer any question so don't be shy! Send it in. Here are some of the questions from this week:

Letter #1. Subject: Buster the Line Dancing Dawg.
From: Big Al the Alsatian.

Dear Buster,
Have you come across the song Buster the Line Dancing Dawg by the Jack Hudson Country Blues band - if not send me a snail mail address. I'm sure that you and Pinky will love it.
al (BIG AL)

We had not heard of this song but it sounded supremely excellent so we asked Big Al to send it along and in fact we were right. (Editor's note: there was only one small problem with the song. In one of the lyrics Buster is described as "the smartest dog on Earth." This is almost correct but not quite: Buster is the second smartest dog on Earth. --- editor-in-chief Pinky.) We highly recommend it to everyone out there, humans and canines alike. Our new friend Atticus the Pyrenees actually sang along as the song played. Thanks Big Al! And thanks for sending this ear-tickling tune all the way from the UK!

Letter #2. Subject: Best Dog Treat in the World
From: Atticus the Pyrenees

Pinky, I know you are a sophisticated connoisseur of the fine things. Can you please tell us what you think is the best dog treat in the world?

Excellent question, Atty! At first we thought those delicious hors d'oeuvres that come from the back end of the horse were the top treat available here on Earth. But then we discovered something even better, also made by horses. After the horseshoer comes (try not to upset him, he is very touchy), he foolishly leaves behind the toenail trimmings he cuts off. These delicious delectables will make you think you have died and gone to Heaven! (Editor's note: for you tubsters out there, and you know who you are, yes, these are okay on the Atkins diet.)

Love Pinky.

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